Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Amazings - Free Online Course Offer

If you've been reading my blog for a while you will know that I do love to learn new skills. I really enjoy attending courses as feel that there is so much more I can learn from a professional teacher than surfing the internet and learning from pictures. But, I don't always have the time to attend a course, there's work commitments, home commitments as well as babysitter needs, so I don't go to as many as I would like these days. So when I was contacted by The Amazings I jumped at the opportunity to take one of their online courses. You mean I can take a professional course from the comfort of my own sofa at a time which worked for me?....genius....yes please 

The Amazings Heirloom Patchwork Quilt Class
This is the Virginia the course teacher showing off her quilt

The class is divided into 9 chapter videos comprising
  • introduction explaining the technique, end product and the materials needed lasting approx 20 mins
  • the process is then split into 8 bite size chunks of approx 7 minutes 
Each of the videos is done in a chatty style, it really feels like you are also sat in Virginia's living room with Jen learning all about the techniques. I found that I watched the first couple of videos and learnt about the template fabric cutting, then I proceeded in getting my fabric and paper cut whilst I watched the remaining videos, for me this worked really well as I was able to see what was coming, and of course because it is online I was able to rewind and re-watch if I missed a bit (you cant do that in a physical class when you've been daydreaming for a second and missed the important point!)

Each of the videos was really clear and because the chapters are only 7 minutes long it's achievable and you can watch the section as you need it without worrying that you will have forgotten what the teacher said by the time you get home.  

I don't think there is a substitute for attending a physical class, but if live is busy, finances tight or taking a day to travel to a class simply isn't an option this is a brilliant alternative. 

I was offered the course free by The Amazings' team in exchange for writing this review, the team are superstars as they are also offering you lovely readers the chance to take one of their online courses free too 

Free The Amazings Online Course - Click here

what will you choose? Loom knitting? Make your own beauty products? Upcycle a shirt into a dress? There are some great classes available and remember you can take one for FREE - awesome

1 comment:

  1. I think I will wait until the temperature falls before I light up my blowtorch to make the silver clay butterfly. It looks like fun.


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Becca x