Friday, 12 July 2013

#PostCircle - My first Letter

A few months ago I read a post somewhere on the blogosphere about a blogger who was organising a #PostCircle, a group of people who have nothing more in common than they have signed up to take part and who agree to send each other a little letter or a post card every now and then to say "Hi" 

Everyone loves receiving post

Anna at Miss Beatrix was organising the #PostCircle and last week I received a list of 5 other lovely ladies who were in my group. They are just names on an email at the moment but I'm really looking forward to getting to know them and sending them little surprises now and then. 

I eagerly sent off my first letter last week and have been awaiting my first letter in the arrived this morning 

Was so excited to open it, but resisted to take some photos first (very difficult not to just rip it open)

Stunning calligraphy and decorations on front of envelope 

 Washi tape and sticker back of envelope

Isn't it beautiful - real thought and care has gone into this, so lovely

My letter was from Lisa at The Glue Gun Girl - check out her blog, she has some fabulous items and has recently posted a really cool tutorial to make your own envelope.

Not only was the envelope decorated but Lisa had clearly made the lovely card and included a little present of Washi tape and stickers...

Handmade card

A little treat for me

Feeling pretty special right now

thank you 


  1. What a fun idea! I had never heard of a post circle before. And the letter you received is so great! xoxo

    1. yes its really lovely and such a treat when something drops through the post box

  2. Wow never heard of this, what a fantastic idea, what a beautiul letter to recieve x

  3. The idea of receiving personal letters in the mail is so exciting and is a gift in itself, especially if it is so pretty like the one featured. I am enjoying your blog and look forward to more reading more. Jayne


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Becca x