Friday, 15 January 2010

Weekend Craft List

I have very high hopes for this weekend.....with no plans other than collecting the dry cleaning and stocking up on groceries for the week I should have some spare time to get on with my craftiness.

I've almost finished my second mini cross-stitch picture so

... hi-ho,hi-ho its off to-the-framer we go....

I'm really looking forward to getting these framed and, of course, finished. It always disappoints me when I have finished all my part of the work on a piece that I then have to wait for a framer to do his magic before the finished article is produced. Very excited about getting these new pictures back, I'll show you them when they are finished.

Having finished my bag and my cross-stitch means I can finally start on my quilt.....yippee!!! I had soooo many projects on the go last year that I had decided that I must finish one before starting the next....I had such wonderful intentions to focus only on one project, but I couldn't sleep last night because I was swarmed with ideas...

It happens about once a month I will just not be able to sleep, I'll be tossing and turning in bed annoying R. I eventually have to give-in, get up and sketch out the ideas which have been formulating before I can get to sleep. These are the hours when I get about 90% of my inspiration and ideas, I have most of them stored away to be completed at some point soon, if any of them are half as good as they look in my mind they will be fabulous.

There was one idea I was developing last night which I'm simply desperate to get fact I'm going to get the materials at lunch today so I can start this weekend ... so bang goes my good intentions to just have one thing on the go, I'm starting at least 2 new projects this weekend ...

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Becca x